Monday, December 4, 2017

The Scourge of the Electorate: A Verbal North Korea

Political Correctness: A Contradiction in Terms

Whenever we hear the word spoken - even in passing, inappropriately used to describe esoterically interpersonal qualms that become too widespread for our taste - we experience an almost immediate subconscious flinch. This lets us all know that we have encroached upon the prime breeding grounds of controversy. Why should we react in such a way to a subject that innately requires the involvement of the citizen? Our forefathers and elders have instructed us to evade colloquial politics at all costs, lest disagreement and opposition should occur among ourselves and those whom we love. 

Our ancestors were right about one thing - civilizational discussions will indeed incur polarization and expose various elements of intersectionality. Yet they may have been speaking too casually. Recommending that the politis should shun and even curse what congenitally requires individual contribution is a disgrace. Of course, there are occasions and settings better suited for paltering of this kind; a banal and platitudinous fact that is rehearsed far too often for my liking. Once again, censorious and cowardly behaviour are not only exalted but encouraged by those who admire civic irresponsibility and insularity. There is an antidote to this affliction, one that is easily accessible should an objective perception of reality be taken. 

If you assume, rather rationally, that politics are by definition divisive and sectarian, the consequential fright and shock are neutralized. Sobriety allows us not only to experience our dissent realistically, but perhaps even to enjoy the resulting chicanery. 

The stool-pigeons and sops who have advocated and enthusiastically practiced political correctness have fallen prey to their own constrictive vices. Being so recommending of Orwellianism and censorship has exacerbated the state of their already poverty-stricken vocabulary. Thus, the patented leftist recipe of combined verbal-blacklisting and unlettered simplicity have resulted in the all too foreseeable and pathetic catastrophe; using words where they don't belong. Ironic, seeing that is the very crime of which they accuse those whose opinions are unappealing to them. 

Everyone recognizes the natural absurdity of demanding people to eviscerate their lexicon; especially to safeguard the hurt feelings of individuals who were brave enough to conquer their tragedy in the first place. It's an insult to a wheel-chair ridden chap to presume that he can survive depression, drastically adapt his lifestyle, confront a myriad of new limitations and obstacles, but that he draws the line at using the wrong adjective to describe his inert legs. Hopefully I wasn't too abrasive in assuming that my fictional character's gender was male; then again, the washroom to which he assigns himself may dictate otherwise.  

I would like to think that our handicapped demographic has more courage and self-respect than to allow the sensitivity police to ventriloquize their nomenclature needs. Particularly from the activists who think that being politically correct is anything other than using words which best convey your social and economic allegiances. Expecting questions of governance and wealth distribution among the pubic to be universal in response is asinine; mandating people to speak in a unilateral tone after discovering that plain fact, is pure folly. 

Come over to the dark side. Our language is much clearer and brighter - capable of enlightening your lugubrious and querulous hearts both intellectually, and morally. 


Darth Hadrianus